
Linux / Windows

Here you can find the GNU/Linux archive AsciiDoc3_linux_latest.

There is also the Windows 10/11 archive AsciiDoc3_windows_latest.

There is no zip-archive anymore, because zip contains no symlinks, which are necessary to run AsciiDoc3. See the info given below under Repo Gitlab about this problem.

Note The main difference between the two tar.gz files are the platform dependend standalone executables.

asciidoc3.bin / asciidoc3.exe and a2x3.bin / a2x3.exe come with an embedded Python interpreter, you don’t need a running Python to start. Of course bin corresponds to GNU/Linux and exe to Windows, respectively. They won’t run on the other platform.


Repo Gitlab

Go to the AsciiDoc3 Repo and download all needed files. This is a very convenient way to obtain everything even when you neither work with Git nor want to fork.
All files are available without login.
Go to and click the blue button code. Download the appropriate format, in most cases tar.gz or tar.bz2 for GNU/Linux. Windows users are highly encouraged not to use the zip. This archive doesn’t contain symlinks and you’ll have to add them manually. Download a tool like 7-zip or WinRar (Windows 10); Windows 11 handles tar.gz out of the box, you don’t need a third-party-tool any more.
The binaries with embedded Python (asciidoc3.bin asciidoc3.exe a2x3.bin a2x3.exe) are not in the repo, you have to donload manually (see above).
Go on further with the steps described under quickstart.



Keep this sheet always available when working with AsciiDoc3. And learn more about the power of AsciiDoc3 markup …

You find this info online or download the PDF.




You find the image on docker hub.
To apply AsciiDoc3 you need the suitable conf-files, images and so on. This environment is available in the download area of the server. This is a tar.gz-archive for GNU/Linux and recommended for Windows, too.
A zip-archive is also available, but you have to add the symlinks manually - see the exhaustive information.


You may use the same image and the same environment as for Docker.



You find the PyPi package here. But do not use this until the update is completed.

Warning PyPi is currently outdated.

We’ll provide a new version asap.


Linux Package Manager

Tip Not yet available.

Use the Repo-Version or the standalone version in the meantime → see at the top of this page.


dpkg, originally used by Debian and now by Ubuntu and all its derivates, uses the .deb format. Most systems provide apt as a dependency resolution tool.

Download the Deb-Package here.

Note Yes, there is no download link yet … Comes asap for the newest version.


The RPM package manage was created by Red Hat. RPM is the standard packaging format of Red Hat, openSUSE, and Fedora.

Download the Rpm-Package here.

Note Yes, there is no download link yet … Comes asap for the newest version.

Pelican Plugin

Pelican plugin for AsciiDoc3 is available. Read this message in our blog.


Generic Installer Unix/BSD/…

For systems which do not use deb/rpm, you may use the generic tarball described in the first section: AsciiDoc3_linux_latest

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