AsciiDoc3 on Windows

You can use the power of AsciiDoc3 on Windows 10/11 without any limitation or hacky tricks, though the program was developed under GNU/Linux. This page gives you some hints how to make this happen in a few seconds.
There are different ways to use AsciiDoc3 on Windows OS.


Standard Usage: There is no need of installing a Python interpreter any more

You want to compute html - html5 (the default), xhtml, slidy (html4 is possible, but deprecated) - pages or docbook-xml or a text-file out of your plain input.txt?
You don’t even need a Python interpreter to achieve this!

And, if you install Apache FOP (look here), you can produce good-looking PDF’s, too.

Note To produce PDFs some helper programs are necessary.

To name it, this may be FOP, dblatex, xmllint, xslproc …
We come back asap to give you more information how to manage this issue.

Caution Perhaps can help?

Using AsciiDoc3 with installed Python

This is for the user who wants all features of AsciiDoc3, even when they are seldom needed.

Note More info asap …
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