
Docker / Podman

Tip This is a very smart option: AsciiDoc3 container with Docker or Podman on GNU/Linux or Windows

You don’t need to install one of the third-party-programs like dblatex, Apache FOP, Lilypond, ePubcheck … You don’t even need a Python interpreter.
The AsciiDoc3-container is extremely usefull for Windows users since Windows lacks dblatex, lxml2, source-highlight, xmllint, graphviz … And no hassle with cygwin.
GNU/Linux users may benefit from Docker, too: all third-party programs wait in the wings.

AsciiDoc3 provides two out-of-the-box images on Docker Hub: small (= default = latest) and full.
Learn more.

So, start the AsciiDoc3 docker experience right now! Follow the steps described below.

Warning The AsciiDoc3 container comes in two tagged images: latest and full.
See here for the differences.
If you prefer the full image, replace latest with full when running through the following steps .


You want to start in a few seconds? Take a look at this quickstart. More details are given below.


Quickstart GNU/Linux

(install docker)                         1 2

mkdir /home/$(whoami)/asciidoc3_docker   3

cd /home/$(whoami)/asciidoc3_docker      4


tar -xzf AsciiDoc3_docker_environment.tar.gz -C ~/asciidoc3_docker --strip-components=1

rm AsciiDoc3_docker_environment.tar.gz && rm -r AsciiDoc3_docker_environment

docker run --name asciidoc3_docker --hostname='asciidoc3_host' \
--cpus='1.0' --memory 1024m \
--volume /home/$(whoami)/asciidoc3_docker/:/home/ad3docker/:Z \
--user $(id -u) --rm asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest \
./ -a toc -a icons -n doc/test.txt  5


1 Installing docker is beyond the scope of this site.
2 Don’t forget sudo usermod -aG docker $USER and logout/login!
3 You may choose another unique name instead of asciidoc3_docker.
4 $(whoami) is of course your username.
5 This is an oneliner.


Allow about 30s for downloading and extracting the image … but only one-time at the first time!
This is a pretty long command. You may shorten this tapeworm.



asciidoc3_docker works with podman, too! We tested this with a fedora machine.
All information given on this page about docker is valid in an analogue way.
In most cases all you need to do is to replace the docker command with podman.


Important Yes, that’s all! It works!
Open the result with your browser:
Continue with bash-scripting or Next Steps.

Quickstart Windows

(install docker) 1


1 Installing docker is beyond the scope of this site.


Open the PowerShell as a normal (non-Admin) user:

PS C:\Users\<username>:  mkdir $env:UserProfile\asciidoc3_docker 1
PS C:\Users\<username>:  cd  $env:UserProfile\asciidoc3_docker


1 You may choose another unique name instead of asciidoc3_docker.


Now we have to open PowerShell as Admin since we have to download a file and add some symlinks:

(admin rights)

cd C:\Users\<username>\asciidoc3_docker 1

iwr -outf AsciiDoc3_docker_environment.tar.gz 2

tar -xzf AsciiDoc3_docker_environment.tar.gz


1 Replace <username> with your username.
2 Or download here: Download Container (Docker/Podman)


If you use - as recommended - a tool like 7-zip (Windows 10) or the built-in archive tool as admin for Windows 11 the symlinks are generated.
If you download the zip - unzip doesn’t handle symlinks - or the symlinks are missing for whatever reason add the symlinks in the Admin’s PowerShell.

(admin rights)

Remove-Item asciidoc3.conf
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name asciidoc3.conf -Target conf\asciidoc3.conf

Remove-Item doc\images
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target doc\images

Remove-Item conf\backends\text.conf
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name conf\text.conf -Target conf\backends\text.conf

Remove-Item filters\music\images
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target filters\music\images

Remove-Item filters\graphviz\images
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target filters\graphviz\images

Remove-Item filters\music\images
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target filters\music\images


You can execute this with one line:

(admin rights)

Remove-Item asciidoc3.conf; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name asciidoc3.conf -Target conf\asciidoc3.conf; Remove-Item doc\images; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target doc\images; Remove-Item conf\backends\text.conf; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name conf\text.conf -Target conf\backends\text.conf; Remove-Item filters\music\images; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target filters\music\images; Remove-Item filters\graphviz\images; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target filters\graphviz\images; Remove-Item filters\music\images; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Name images -Target filters\music\images


We don’t need Admin rights to start a container, if you configured docker in this way:

But you may of course start the container as admin, there is no risk here.

PowerShell as Normal User

PS C:\Users\<username>\asciidoc3_docker docker run --volume C:\Users\<username>\asciidoc3_docker\:/home/ad3docker/ --rm --network none asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest ./ -a toc -a icons -n doc/test.txt 1
Unable to find image 'asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest' locally
Status: Downloaded newer image for asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest 2
PS C:\Users\<username>\asciidoc3_docker
1 Replace <username> with your username.
2 This may take a while (downloading and extracting the image from… but only one-time at the first time!
This is a pretty long command. You may shorten this tapeworm, look here!
Important Yes, that’s all! It works!
Open the result with your browser:
Continue with Scripting or Next Steps.


Prerequisites, Installing Docker

First - you guessed it - you need Docker. Look at the in-depth installation guide.

  • GNU/Linux: user has to be member of group docker.
    You have to do something like sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

  • Docker runs on Windows 10/11, WSL2 is recommended.
    A non-admin user needs permission to start a container: search the web for somthing like windows 10 docker user permission.
    Docker seems to be well integrated in the Windows ecosystem in the meantime.

  • Check your installation by running docker version or start your docker experience with docker run hello-world.



AsciiDoc3 needs some configuration files. To adjust them to your needs they have to be outside the container. And of course you want to edit and provide your input file and the asciidoc3/a2x3-command with some options. And you would like to see the output.
These things are mounted to the container using the option --volume.



To keep your system clean it is strongly recommended to create an own directory for asciidoc3_docker:

mkdir /home/$(whoami)/asciidoc3_docker


AsciiDoc3 Docker Tarball

See above quickstart


Note Please keep in mind: Write your own input inside the folder asciidoc3_docker - the container can’t see any file outside this folder!


Of course it’s not a good idea to type docker run --name asciidoc3_docker … --rm asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest every time you want to start the program. That’s a job for ./bashrc: nano ~/.bashrc

Go to the end of the file and add the following line:

function ad3 { docker run --name asciidoc3_docker --hostname='asciidoc3-host' --cpus='1.0' --memory 1024m --volume /home/$(whoami)/asciidoc3_docker/:/home/ad3docker/:Z --user $(id -u) --network none --rm  asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest $@; }   1
1 This is one line, note the $@; } (dollar at semicolon space curly bracket) at the end.

To make this applicable


source ~/.bashrc


From now on start the container like so

ad3 ./asciidoc3 -a toc -a icons -n doc/test.txt


Continue with Next Steps here.




There’s almost nothing to add to the steps described in quickstart. So here are some hints:

  • AsciiDoc3 needs some configuration files. To adjust them to your needs they have to be outside the container. They are mounted to the container using the option --volume.

  • To keep your system clean it is highly recommended to create an own directory for asciidoc3_docker: mkdir $env:UserProfile\asciidoc3_docker

Note Please keep in mind: Write your own input inside the folder asciidoc3_docker - the container can’t see any file outside this folder!

WSL2 or Hyper-V

AsciiDoc3-docker works both with WSL2 and Hyper-V. WSL2 seems to be more robust and is recommended by MicroSoft®. Docker also says, WSL2 provides better performance than the legacy Hyper-V backend.

PowerShell Function / Scripting

Of course it’s not a good idea to type docker run --name asciidoc3_docker … --rm asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest every time you want to start the program. That’s a job for a PowerShell function:

PowerShell as Normal User

PS C:\Users\<username>\asciidoc3_docker> function ad3(){ docker run --name asciidoc3_docker --hostname='asciidoc3-host' --cpus='1.0' --memory 1024m --volume C:\Users\<username>\asciidoc3_docker\ad3files:/home/ad3docker --network none --rm  asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest $args } 1
1 This is one long line … replace <username> with your username.

From now on you can execute the container much easier:

ad3 asciidoc3 -a toc -a icons -n doc/test.txt

The function ad3 is gone and no longer available when closing the PowerShell. To get the function loaded permanently add it to your PowerShell profile. To start with profiles you may take a look here.

Continue with Next Steps here.



The AsciiDoc3 container should run on this platform, too.


Next Steps

Assuming you have arranged ad3 as an alias for docker run … asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest, here are some use cases for your new asciidoc3-container.
mytext.txt lives in directory asciidoc3_docker.


Produce a PDF

ad3 a2x3 -f pdf --fop mytext.txt 1
1 Option --fop is mandatory since image latest has no dblatex installed.


Use a source-highlighter

ad3 asciidoc3 doc/source-highlight-filter.txt


Use math formula

ad3 asciidoc3 -a asciimath -a toc -n -a icons ./doc/asciimathml.txt


You can find more exemples in folder tests/data, e.g.

ad3 asciidoc3 tests/data/newtables.txt


If you want to see how AsciiDoc3 works, you may add the -v (--verbose) option, like so

ad3 asciidoc3 -v tests/data/filters-test.txt


ad3 asciidoc3 doc/slidy-example.txt

And after that, take a look in the userguide.


Docker Run, Images, Dockerfile

Explore docker run … asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest

docker run                                                                    \ # Start new container from image asciidoc3/asciidoc3
--name asciidoc3                                                              \ # Give a name to the container: optional
--hostname='asciidoc3-host'                                                   \ # Give a name to the host-container: optional
--cpus='1.0'                                                                  \ # Secureness: Limit usage of cpu: optional
--memory 1024m                                                                \ # Secureness: Limit usage of RAM: optional
--volume /home/$(whoami)/asciidoc3-docker/:/home/ad3docker/:Z                 \ # Expose the needed configuration files to the container
                                                                              \ # Z is mandatory only when using SELinux
--user $(id -u)                                                               \ # Run container as current user (skip on Windows)
--rm                                                                          \ # Delete container when exit
--network none                                                                \ # Secureness: No network, container is unreachable: optional
asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest                                                    \ # Image to use for the container


Images: latest vs. full

AsciiDoc3 provides two images = latest and full. See the table for the differences. We recommend full - latest misses some features. Tho only downside is full’s size, but you have to download it only once-in-a-lifetime …

Note To run full just replace docker run … asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest with docker run … asciidoc3/asciidoc3:full

AsciiDoc3 images: latest vs. full






679 MB, compressed 320 MB

1,2 GB, compressed 480 MB

compressed on

asciidoc3 command


a2x3 command


a2x3 -f pdf --fop


a2x3 -f pdf

no dblatex (consumes 350 MB) → use option --fop

a2x3 -f pdf latexmath

no dblatex again → use asciimath

a2x3 --epubcheck

no epubcheck for EPUB output

a2x3 -f text --lynx

no lynx → use default w3m

validating docbook with jing

no jing → default xmllint

validating docbook with xmlstarlet

no xmlstarlet → default xmllint


Directory Layout

The following layout is recommended/suggested.

AsciiDoc3 Container Directory Layout
(Host - your system -, GNU/Linux or Windows)          (AsciiDoc3-container)

-/        c:\                               ||        -/.dockerenv
 |- bin     |- ...                          ||         |- bin
 |- dev     |- windows32                    ||         |- dev
 |- ...     |- ...                          ||         |- ...
 |-home     |- Users                        ||         |
     |      |                               ||         |
     - <username>                           ||         |
         |                                  ||         |
         - projects                         ||         |
           ...                              ||         |
         - private                          ||         |
           ...                              ||         |
           ...                              ||         |- home
           ...                              ||         |  |
         - asciidoc3_docker          <----mount---->      - ad3docker
             |                              ||                 ...
             - asciidoc3.conf               ||                 ...
             - COPYRIGHT                    ||                 ...
             -                 ||                 ...
             -                      ||                 ...
                 ...                        ||
                 doc                        ||
                 filters                    ||
                 conf                       ||



AsciiDoc3 Dockerfile latest / full

FROM ubuntu:24.04

LABEL description="asciidoc3/asciidoc3:latest"
LABEL version="4.0.1"
LABEL release-date="2025-03-07"
LABEL maintainer=""

# You may ignore the following message during package install:
# \
# debconf-delaying-package-configuration-since-apt-utils-is-not-installed

# full = latest plus dblatex dvipng epubcheck jing lynx xmlstarlet

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -q -y --no-install-recommends \
#            dblatex \
            docbook-xml \
            docbook-xsl \
            docbook-xsl-ns \
            docbook5-xml \
#            dvipng \
#            epubcheck \
            fop \
            graphviz \
            highlight \
            imagemagick \
#            jing \
            liblua5.4-0 \
            lilypond \
#            lynx \
            python3 \
            python3-lxml \
            python3-pygments \
            source-highlight \
            w3m \
#            xmlstarlet \
            xmlto && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -r /var/cache/apt /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash --no-log-init -u 1235 ad3docker && \
    echo 'ad3docker:noPassw0rd!5r' | chpasswd
WORKDIR /home/ad3docker

# install asciidoc3
ADD AsciiDoc3_docker_files.tar.gz /home/ad3docker                       1
RUN cp -r /home/ad3docker/AsciiDoc3_docker_files/. /home/ad3docker && \
    rm -r /home/ad3docker/AsciiDoc3_docker_files && \
    rm -r /home/ad3docker/misc && \
    cp -r /home/ad3docker/src/. /home/ad3docker && \
    rm -r /home/ad3docker/src/ && \
    chmod -R o+w /home/ad3docker && \
    chown -R ad3docker:ad3docker /home/ad3docker && \
#    ln --symbolic /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/pycont                       2

USER ad3docker
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
1 The ad3docker folder may be empty!
2 This is for debugging …
Tip You are invited to create your own Asciidoc3-image if you need your individual layout.


Is the AsciiDoc3-container save?


  • Container runs as a non-root-user.

  • Container includes no network.

  • Container usage of CPU and RAM is limited.

  • Container writes only in the user’s home-directory.

  • Container can not read any file outside user’s home-directory.

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