HUGO content with AsciiDoc3
Published: 2024-04-16
HUGO is one of the fastest and most loved CMS - especially for command-line-users and developers. Here’s an easy way to write content with asciidoc3:
Since the use of »asciidoctor« is builtin, you only have to change two little things. First, add »asciidoctor« to your »config.toml«, like so
... [security.exec] + allow = ['^(dart-)?sass(-embedded)?$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$', '^asciidoctor$'] ...
Second, add a symbolic link to your asciidoc3 binary or py-file (su/sudo)
ln --symbolic /home/<path_to_>/ /usr/bin/asciidoctor
That’a all, but don’t forget to add the suffix ».adoc« to your blog content, e.g. »my_blogentry.adoc«.
Keywords: HUGO AsciiDoc3 asciidoc adoc