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Text based document generation using Python 3

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Tipp AsciiDoc3 requires Python 3.7 or higher to run, it will definitely crash when using Python2.x. Probably there are few systems in the real world running with Python < 3.7 any more - these versions have reached their end of live. Please consider updating to a newer version! Python is installed by default in most Unix and GNU/Linux distributions. If you don’t find an up-to-date version of Python installed it can be downloaded from the official Python website
Windows users please look here or the docker experience!

1. Which way to install?

AsciiDoc3 is available in a few different flavors (which work all the same, naturally). Please choose the appropriate files for downloading and installing.
Some hints follow, hope they help - but you are of course free to check out whatever you like.

  • "Normal" users (normal means, you are an unique user who wants AsciiDoc3 work for your personal projects) may install local, ideally via pip and venv. You may use Anaconda or not. It’s easy, works right out of the box and is safe (no interdependency with the system and you can delete the entire directory with one click!). Of course you need some knowledge about pip and venv, but this should be no problem at all. Or you use pip local without venv, that is almost the same.

  • And, yes, if you are an experienced user, we recommend pip/venv, too. There are a lot of advantages, see the lines above.

  • The system wide installing via tarball/deb/rpm is ok for the "long time" user who needs AsciiDoc3 every day and in different projects. Or you are an Admin and want to provide the software for all users.

  • Windows users are strongly advised to install via pip/venv!

  • Developers may take a look at the Git repo at GitLab.

  • An convenient, clean way to install AsciiDoc3 for both GNU/Linux and Windows: Docker!

2. Obtaining AsciiDoc3

You may download the files here.
The PyPI source is here, please visit the distinct page before installing.

3. Installation

Unix, GNU/Linux, BSD, OS X

This page covers GNU/Linux and other POSIX systems (Unix, BSD, and assumably OS X) - except PyPI and Docker.
Windows users go here, - except PyPI.

3.1. System Wide (Tarball)

3.1.1. Install

  • 1. Create a new directory where AsciiDoc3 shall live in, say mkdir ~/ad3

  • 2. Download the tarball in any directory with read-write access, e.g. ~/Downloads.

  • 3. Open a terminal and change to ~/Downloads (cd ~/Downloads).

  • 4. Deflate the tarball to the new dir: tar -xzf asciidoc3-3.2.3.tar.gz --directory ~/ad3

  • 5. Change to the new directory cd ~/ad3.

  • 6. You’ll find the AsciiDoc3 files in ~/ad3. Run installscript as root/superuser. Ubuntu-like systems: sudo ./installscript (don’t forget the dot-slash); other POSIX os like Debian, Fedora, BSD: su <password> ./installscript (don’t forget the dot-slash).

  • 7. AsciiDoc3 is ready to use … continue here.

3.1.2. Update

If you want to install a newer version of AsciiDoc3, it is strongly recommended to uninstall first - see next section. This is to avoid the survival of any zombie file belonging to the older version.
In the next step just install the new version as described above.
You may in an alternative way install the new tarball via installscript just over the previous version - the executable files like /usr/bin/asciidoc3 will be replaced as requested. Check this with asciidoc3 --version. Take a look in your ~/asciidoc3 directory to keep a check on the new files - almost always everything’s ok.

3.1.3. Uninstall

If you ran the AsciiDoc3 installscript as root/superuser - see above (that means, you have directories/files like /etc/asciidoc3/*.* or /usr/share/asciidoc3/ et al.)

  • 1. Backup your personal files.

  • 2. Change to your AsciiDoc3 directory, say ad3: cd ~/ad3

  • 3 Make uninstallscript executable: chmod u+x uninstallscript

  • 4. su/sudo ./uninstallscript

  • 5. Uninstallscript removes the files in /etc and /usr, but does not know anything about your local directory layout, so you have to delete your local files manually:

  • 6. rm ~/ad3 -r

3.2. Local (Tarball)

You may use the tarball to install local without having superuser rights. Precondition is of course, Python is already installed (and also the other software like dblatex, FOP, highlighter, …).

3.2.1. Install

  • 1. Steps 1. - 5. like above section System Wide (Tarball) → Install.

  • 6. Do not run installscript (you may delete this file and uninstallscript, too)

  • 7. Yes, it’s already done, please fasten seat belts and start:

  • 8. python3 -a toc -a icons -n doc/test.txt. From now on you have to replace asciidoc3 / a2x3 by python3 and python3 … continue here.

3.2.2. Update

If you like to install a newer version of AsciiDoc3, it is recommended to uninstall first - see next section. Or you install in another directory, so you’ll have two different versions of AsciiDoc3.

3.2.3. Uninstall

To uninstall local as described before makes it easy to uninstall: just delete ~/ad3. Do not forget to backup your private data.

3.3. Debian-like Systems

3.3.1. Install

  • Download the deb-file in any directory with read-write access, e.g. ~/download.

  • Open a terminal and change to ~/download (cd ~/download).

  • Change user to root with command su and then apt install ./asciidoc3.deb or sudo apt install ./asciidoc3.deb
    You may ignore messages about sandboxes or so …

  • You see a new directory ~/asciidoc3.

  • If this directory already exists the old directory is saved to ~/asciidoc3_<random_number>.

  • You may also use tools like GDebi to install the downloaded file asciidoc3.deb (rightclick in your filemanager).

3.3.2. Update

If you want to go the safety first way, uninstall the previous version - see section below. Do not forget to backup your personal files.
But uninstalling is not really necessary, you may just apt install ./asciidoc3.deb - with the new version, of course. apt will backup the former directory ./asciidoc3 to ./asciidoc3_<random_number>. You can ignore the message here and there ln was not able to symlink, because the file already exists.
To verify update installation type asciidoc3 --version

3.3.3. Uninstall

To uninstall open a terminal, change to root (su/sudo) and run apt remove asciidoc3. You can use the well-known graphical interfaces, too. Do not use the --purge option.

Tipp Please keep in mind, that the folder ~/asciidoc3 will not be removed. Do that by yourself to make everything gone. Do not forget to backup your private data.

3.4. RPM-using Systems

3.4.1. Install

  • Download the rpm-file in any directory with read-write access, e.g. ~/download.

  • Open a terminal and change to ~/download (cd ~/download).

  • Change user to root with command su and then rpm --install ./asciidoc3-3.2.3-2.noarch.rpm

  • You’ll see a warning message package is damaged / not signed. Just ignore that, when in doubt please check the md5sum.

  • There is a new directory ~/asciidoc3.

  • If this directory already exists the old directory is saved to ~/asciidoc3_<random_number>.

  • You may also use tools like yast or so to install the downloaded file asciidoc3-3.2.3-2.noarch.rpm (rightclick in your filemanager).

3.4.2. Update

If you want to go the safety first way, uninstall the previous version - see section below. Do not forget to backup your personal files.
But uninstalling is not really necessary, you may just rpm --install ./asciidoc3-3.2.3-noarch.rpm - with the new version, of course. This will backup the former directory ./asciidoc3 to ./sciidoc3_<random_number>.
To verify update installation type asciidoc3 --version

3.4.3. Uninstall

To uninstall open a terminal, change to root and rpm -e asciidoc3. You can use the well-known graphical interfaces, too.

Tipp Please keep in mind, that the folder ~/asciidoc3 will not be removed. Do that by yourself to make everything gone. Do not forget to backup your private data.

3.5. Docker / Podman

All information is given on our docker-page here.

3.6. Testing your installation

See here.

4. Uninstalling and Updating

Information is given in the appropriate chapter on this page above.