Second Update for Roadmap to Asciidoc3-3.1.1

Published: 2019-08-05

Hi everybody - here’s a second update regarding the roadmap towards AsciiDoc3-3.1.1. In the previous post I wrote about a bug when using a2x3 with option --dry-run. This behaviour is only seen when the output is chosen as -f epub. And, this bug also comes to pass in AsciiDoc 8.6.9 (Python 2.x)! It seems that nobody - me too - has noticed this issue for more than ten years …
Therefore I decided to exit the program with a warning and postpone the search for a fix for this dispensable (?) bug. So we can concentrate on the implementation of DocBook5.1.

Keywords: asciidoc3 a2x3 dry-run epub bug
